Humans and their blatant trivialization of excellenceA car was an invention born out of human necessity and was also, to some extent a by-product of capitalization. It had wheels, which was…2d ago22d ago2
Avoiding staleness of thoughtsImagine you are going to a Baskin-Robbins for having a scoop of an ice-cream. You order a small scoop of your favorite flavor: a chocolate…Mar 9, 20244Mar 9, 20244
Deconstructing creamy layer of human characterI walked into the room bit nervously. Folks in there were already discussing about various books. Upon seeing me, they briefly paused…Aug 18, 202326Aug 18, 202326
Pitfalls of blindly following your idolsJack Dorsey, Richard Branson and Tim Cook are just few names of accomplished leaders who wake at 5am everyday, and maybe much earlier. It…Sep 4, 202259Sep 4, 202259
Why does giving advice seem easyRahul: So, what do you think I should do?Feb 12, 202295Feb 12, 202295
Sine wave of societal perceptionThe other day I was watching some chess videos and I stumbled upon one of the old match of GM Vishwanathan Anand. It was played sometime…Nov 27, 2021601Nov 27, 2021601
6 steps to change one’s life in 60 daysAlright, so want to change your life in 2 months. Fantastic! Let me help you with that. But before telling what you should start doing in…Feb 26, 202192Feb 26, 202192
Downside of one-hop judgementThe other day, I was travelling with few of my friends to a beach. Interesting conversations, leg pulling were happenings. It was after…Aug 23, 202024Aug 23, 202024
Discovering our limitsA couple of year ago I began working out. Nothing much, just a bunch of cardio exercise and bit of strength training. It helped me to be…Jul 31, 202088Jul 31, 202088
Dynamics of changeBefore I begin, let me pick a couple of my memory fragments of change.Jul 31, 202017Jul 31, 202017